Do you know that pomegranate fruits can benefit for your health without eating? The people who take care of their health are well aware of the benefits of this fruit.

According to recent medical research’s pomegranates are full of vitamins which are useful against various diseases. However, most people throw the peels and seeds of pomegranates which are used to make pomegranate powder. They are dried and grinded to make this powder which contains many medical benefits. If the pure and blending powder is mixed with the water, then it proves a great antiseptic mouthwash.

If you use it for gargling than it helps to cure the throat pain quickly. Its shell is also used especially it is used by the shells of nuts and grinded to make tooth powder. It is effective for cleaning teeth and breath scented like ordinary toothpaste.

If you are suffering from hair falling, then you can make a thick paste by mixing pomegranate powder with water, yogurt and with one egg or olive oil. Now use this paste for massage of the head for 10 to 15 minutes and in this way you can create a highly effective weapon against falling hair. It also acts as a conditioner for hair, especially if you add some pure henna in it. If your hair color is white, then don’t use it as it can have some negative effects.

If you want to remain safe from dangerous diseases, then you should make lemon a part of your daily diet. Medical experts always say that vegetables and fruits are good for health and among them, lemons are most useful. That’s why it is used in the drinks, which punch out the toxicants, but perhaps you do not know that you lose their actual utilities when you punch out their juice. The lemon skin has the ability to slow down cholesterol and to strengthen the immune system. It also contains anti-micro bile, which helps to fight against bacteria and fungus and parasitic insects and worms are removed from a body. With the help of lemons, we get rid of bodily inflammation, high blood pressure, kidney and liver toxins, cancer and stress. Medical experts say that using lemon with its shell helps to remove toxic materials from the body and we feel easy. It also contains vitamin c which helps to fight against cancer and several experiments hold on it. Experts say that before using lemon with its shell wash it with apple vinegar and freeze it in a freezer during the night. At morning punch out the juice from lemon including with its shell and seeds and use this juice in foods and drinks. If you wish then you can freeze this use in ice cubes and use it when you need it.        

We face many health problems due to mucus and cough. Let us tell you about a diet which deal with both problems and it is very useful for smokers.

Half kilo carrots
Three to four tablespoons honey

The method of preparation

Carrots mix in water and boil them until they get soft. After this cut carrots thin with a fork. Do not throw water and when it cools down to use it again and mix some honey onto mustard carrots. Cool it down and use three to four tablespoons of it daily. Within two days you will feel the effects and it also reduces mucus and cough.

The Vatican is a gel made from a plant which stops the flow of blood within 12 seconds. Within some days it will be represented for general use, but after some experiments, especially in humans. It is created by a biotech company named Listen Erik. This gel works efficiently and stops blood flow by healing wounds. It is especially useful for those people who suffer from trauma. Company’s CEO Joy land Valona was only 17 years old when she created this gel. Now, after five years it is ready to introduce its first shipment. In Vatican gel, we use fiber, which is extracted from flowers and leaves daily and it is introduced into wounds. These fibers combine which each other in a few seconds like Lego blocks and then these combined fibers form a leak-proof seal to stop the bleeding. With the help of Vatican gel, there is no risk of blood clotting and it is also absorbed into affected tissues which mean there is no need to clean it.

We try many difficult prescriptions to get rid of body fat, but nature has stored some different strength in tomatoes that can burn our fat as quickly as the ice melts in hot summers.

The researcher of Taiwan University researched that the juice of tomatoes burns the extra fat in our body. In this research, researchers choose heavy weighted women and advise them to drink 250 ml of tomato juice daily. It continued for 2 months and the results were very astonishing (Amazing). Those women lost weight. Experts also checked their blood test and they also found that cholesterol level also decreased and they found a substance lecithin which increased because it boosts immunity against cancer.

Immune system

Experts also told us that this juice also strengthens our immune system. This is a new juice, which people should use daily. Grind 4 tomatoes well and add two tablespoons of salt and mix 4 tablespoons of sugar. Then cook it till 10 minutes on the stove. Use a spoon while cooking and then let it cool down by the fridge. Use it daily, but only 250 ml once a day.

If you want to lose 4 Kg weight in a week than the two Natural ingredients showed below are better than any other prescription. These natural components have no side effects and it will also reduce your weight quickly.

 The method of preparation

Boil one cup of water and put two tablespoons of cinnamon powder in it. Then mix two tablespoons of honey after it cools down. Use this drink daily and reduce 4 Kg weight in a week. If you wish then you can use it for till month.

We use many prescriptions for black hair and many hair colors. Sometimes they had negative effects. Today we will tell you a very easy and simple prescription. By using it your hair will become black naturally.


Linseed oil 200 ml
4 lemons without rings
Three pieces of garlic
1 Kg honey

Method of preparation

Peel the lemon and garlic and add linseed oil and honey with them. Mix all the components in a jar and then keep it in the fridge and take a spoon of it daily before eating food.
Other tips to keep hair black
To keep hair black we should daily use the butter made by cow’s milk to do head massage. Mix 11 tablespoons of yogurt and one tablespoon of yeast. Use it before eating food. But use a small amount of it.