The magical formula for the treatment of joint pain in one day

The magical formula for the treatment of joint pain in one day

The magical formula for the treatment of joint pain in one day

Most people become suffering from joint pain, especially concerning Back pain, shoulders, elbows, and is determined not to enact, it affects young people at the age of 25, as well as older people.

Produce joint pain through some injuries, such as fractures, arthritis, hard work and other factors, if you're someone who feels this pain, "Here" offers you a recipe that will help you get rid of them.


-    Honey
- Almutard (mustard)
- Coarse salt
- Bicarbonate of soda


Blend the mixture with plastic or wooden spoon until the dough to obtain a homogeneous, put it in a closed vessel.
Put a little of this mixture the place where it hurts and covers it with plastic, and then leave it for two hours.
You can also put the mix before going to sleep, then rinse am


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